Bribery used to attract employees to work


Wait a minute… isn’t that the purpose of a paycheck? From

“The financially troubled DeKalb County School District could soon be shelling out $1 million as added incentive for some of its employees to show up for work.

“Interim School Superintendent Mike Thurmond says the district has a problem with employee absenteeism. And he says he’ll try to address it by putting the money into small bonuses topping out at $150 for about 3,500 low-paid employees with perfect or near-perfect attendance.

“Some question whether the bonuses are large enough to make a difference for workers who earn so little — on average, a DeKalb bus driver makes $16,200 a year. Others aren’t certain the bonuses — which have received tentative school board approval — are the right priority for a district that finished the past fiscal year with a $14.5 million deficit and tentatively plans to have five to nine unpaid furlough days for staff in the next school year.”

A bonus JUST for showing up to work… And how many years has it been since Dekalb Co. teachers have had a raise? Since before the “Great Recession”? And why don’t employees show up to work?


Nobody is proud to work for a county government riddled with poor management, poor communication, pitiful conditions and thieves. I’m not. Some of these really STUPID decisions wouldn’t be made if they opened the lines of communication with other county employees and ASK their opinions. Communication in not linear, it’s circular, with feedback included.

Dekalb County doesn’t care about its employees, it only cares about getting a job done. Hence the bonus bribe. How about this Dekalb County decision makers: communicate WITH your employees, not AT them; include them in decision-making; use resources for important assets, not frivolous crap; understand the true meaning of the word “transparency”; if something bad happens within the system, tell us about it FIRST before I hear about it on the news. Just as we consume the right foods for proper nutrition, a successful company builds from the inside out. Then, and only then, will the perception of the company’s reputation by external stakeholders be a healthy one. Proper nutrition for the body is to proper communication for employees of a company. FEED YOUR EMPLOYEES WELL.

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